Network Rail Basinstoke Campus

United Kingdom


Architectural Design & Design Team Leader Oliver Khoo

Floor Area

122,500 sq.ft.


Design concept encourages ‘causal' connections between stakeholders reflected the sponsor's ambition to have a high degree of cross communication between 'separate' department functions. The main entrance and ground floor cafe acts as an excellent social ‘mixing’ hub as well as impromptu meetings and close working practices. The planning and structural concept was derived from applying a modular tartan grid for circulation. Travel & escape distances and departmental relationships divided the plan along NS, EW axis implies a rigorous but functional way-finding for 900+ employees. Modular construction techniques and off-site construction to facilitate speed and quality were paramount to meeting key operational dates. Hollow-core PC structural slabs acting as a thermal core, modulates the internal temperature to an even level achieving a 'very good' standard of BREEAM rating. Use of natural daylight was a significant design influence gained from earlier HR centre projects. Using strip skylights and roof glazing brought light right into the deep plan layout, mitigating the number of luminaires specified. This allowed vary-ing textures of natural light to alleviate the internal environment giving some visual connection to the external elements. This detail also controlled and maximised the natural flow of cross ventilation to cool the main offices and minimise use of ACMV systems, whilst exploiting the sites commanding views across the site

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